Explore 26 different indicators on Education
Explore over 170 countries
Explore 26 different indicators on Education
Access and completion
Lower secondary completion rateAccess and completion
Upper secondary completion rateAccess and completion
Out-of-school childrenAccess and completion
Out-of-school adolescentsAccess and completion
Out-of-school youthAccess and completion
Mean years of educationAccess and completion
Pre-primary education attendanceAccess and completion
Never been to schoolAccess and completion
Less than 2 years of schoolingAccess and completion
Less than 4 years of schoolingAccess and completion
Over-age primary school attendanceAccess and completion
Transition rate to lower secondary schoolAccess and completion
Transition rate to upper secondary schoolAccess and completion
Higher education attendanceAccess and completion
Tertiary completion rateAccess and completion
Youth literacy rateLearning
Learning achievement in reading (Early grades)Learning
Learning achievement in reading (End of primary)Learning
Learning achievement in reading (End of lower secondary)Learning
Learning achievement in mathematics (Early grades)Learning
Learning achievement in mathematics (End of primary)Learning
Learning achievement in mathematics (End of lower secondary)Learning
Learning achievement in science (Early grades)Learning
Learning achievement in science (End of primary)Learning
Learning achievement in science (End of lower secondary)Learning
Explore over 170 countries
of 19-year-olds
are still in primary school in Haiti due to late enrolment
of children
living in rural areas in low-income countries transition to lower secondary education compared to 91% of those in urban areas
Learn moreof the poorest
poorest in sub-Saharan Africa complete lower secondary school compared to 70% of the richest
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Start by exploring a specific completion or learning indicator for all countries available. Alternatively, you can view all the figures we have calculated for the country of your interest. The colours of the visualization represent the dimensions where inequalities arise.